暢遊紐西蘭》南北島全覽 ─ 世界遺產.魔戒.冰河.雙峽灣.庫克山17天
旅の時間》2017 年 04 月 17 日 (一)
旅の故事》羅吐魯阿 〜 紅木森林樹叢步道生態健走 (Redwoods Treewalk)
Experience New Zealand’s longest living tree walk
隱身在加州海岸紅木(Californian coastal redwoods)林間上的「紐西蘭紅木森林樹叢步道」(Redwoods Treewalk Rotorua),第一眼立刻聯想起溪頭森林遊樂區內長180公尺高7層樓的「空中走廊」。
Redwoods Treewalk Rotorua - The Redwoods - Whakarewarewa Forest, Rotorua, New Zealand
Redwoods Treewalk Rotorua
The Redwoods TreeWalk is located within the main Redwood Grove and starts outside the Redwoods I-Site and Visitor Centre.
The TreeWalk consists of 21 suspension bridges traversing between 22 Californian coastal redwoods. It gives walkers a unique view of the native undergrowth below from up to 12 meters above the ground. At 553 meters long at allows plenty of time to appreciate the beauty of the forest that is quite different from what you experience on the ground.
This is a great opportunity for both young and old who can walk un-aided to feel a sense of freedom at height without the need to wear harnesses or protective gear.
For more detailed information, FAQ’s and prices please visit Redwoods Treewalk Rotorua.
You can buy tickets from the Redwoods I-Site and Visitor Centre.
There is also a Nightlight option 6pm where the forest and ferns are illuminated by 30 suspended lanterns designed by David Trubridge and multiple coloured spot lights. A truly unique night time experience!